Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tofu Spinach Lasagna

The recipe is from The Vegan Table Cookbook. It is meatless and cheese-less, which is good news for our lactose-intolerant or milk allergy friends out there. Unfortunately, I can't post it here because of copyright laws, etc.

It's your basic lasagna, but instead of using cheese she blends up her tofu with milk (or milk substitute), garlic powder, lemon juice, and some other stuff---making a tofu "ricotta."

Please go check out the book from your library and try it out! If you do, I've added some notes on what I did.

A few things about this recipe:

1. When I used my 2.2 qt dish only 2 lasagna noodles fit per layer, and by the time I was done I had used 6 noodles.
2. If you aren't used to eating tofu, or have some tofu-phobia in your family use this recipe because you can't even tell you are eating tofu!
3. My layering got a bit off and I didn't end up with sauce on top, but it's lasagna and it doesn't really matter how you do your layering as long as it's not noodles on top.
4. Make sure you chop that spinach before blanching it! I tried using whole spinach once and chopped is much better (smaller pieces, not as stringy).

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